Dying Star

Ruston Kelly    

Dying Star
ascolta ora
Una vita da adolescente sempre in viaggio (ha vissuto dappertutto, anche in Belgio), promessa olimpionica da pattinatore, Ruston Kelly è finito con l’approdare a Nashville. E nella città della musica americana per eccellenza ha mosso i passi una carriera che si dimostra a dir poco promettente: prima come autore di canzoni adottate da grandi nomi, e adesso come interprete del genere definito Americana. Il brano “Jericho” ha già avuto il plauso della critica
CD album
New Rounder
UPC 00888072057128

Dying Star

1 Cover My Tracks
03:27 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
2 Mockingbird
04:38 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
3 Son Of A Highway Daughter
03:37 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
4 Paratrooper’s Battlecry
04:00 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
5 Faceplant
03:43 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
6 Blackout
04:26 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
7 Big Brown Bus
04:56 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
8 Mercury
03:19 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
9 Anchors
04:10 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
10 Just For The Record
03:42 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
11 Trying To Let Her
03:28 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
12 Jericho
02:53 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
13 Dying Star
05:26 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
14 Brightly Burst Into The Air
01:34 Ruston Kelly
Artist: Ruston Kelly - Producer: Jarrad K - Producer: Ruston Kelly
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