Britten: War Requiem, Op. 66: II. Dies irae: e. Recordare Jesu pie

London Symphony Orchestra     The Bach Choir     Benjamin Britten     London Symphony Chorus    

Britten: War Requiem, Op. 66: II. Dies irae: e. Recordare Jesu pie
eSingle Audio/Single Track - 1 supporto
UPC 00028948549573

Benjamin Britten

Britten: War Requiem, Op. 66: II. Dies irae: e. Recordare Jesu pie

1 II. Dies irae: e. Recordare Jesu pie (Remastered 2023)
04:49 London Symphony Chorus, The Bach Choir, London Symphony Orchestra, Benjamin Britten
Producer: John Culshaw - Choir: London Symphony Chorus - Recording Engineer: Kenneth Wilkinson - Choir: The Bach Choir - Orchestra: London Symphony Orchestra - Recording Engineer: Michael Mailes - Conductor: Benjamin Britten - Composer: Benjamin Britten
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