Orff: Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Si puer cum puellula" Live from the Forbidden City / Atmos

Heinz Ferlesch     Long Yu     Ludovic Tézier     Wiener Singakademie    

Orff: Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Si puer cum puellula"
eSingle Audio/Single Track Surround - 1 supporto
Deutsche Grammophon (DG)
UPC 00028948379767

Carl Orff

Orff: Carmina Burana / 3. Cour d'amours: "Si puer cum puellula" Live from the Forbidden City / Atmos

1 "Si puer cum puellula" (Live from the Forbidden City / Atmos)
00:58 Ludovic Tézier, Wiener Singakademie, Heinz Ferlesch, Long Yu
Baritone: Ludovic Tézier - Producer: Rainer Maillard - Recording Engineer: Stephan Flock - Choir: Wiener Singakademie - Chorus Master: Heinz Ferlesch - Recording Engineer: Philip Krause - Conductor: Long Yu - Mastering Engineer: Lukas Kowalski - Composer: Carl Orff
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