Stories For Christmas

Stories For Christmas
eAlbum Audio - 1 supporto
UPC 00028948413621

Stories For Christmas

1 High above the city on a tall column, stood the statue of the Happy Prince…
01:57 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
2 Far away, far away in a little street there is a poor house…
02:24 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
3 When day broke, he flew down to the river and had a bath…
02:03 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
4 In the square below there stands a little Match Girl…
01:50 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
5 So the swallow flew over the great city…
00:31 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
6 Leaf after leaf of the fine gold the swallow picked off…
00:29 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
7 Then the snow came…
01:24 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
8 Early the next morning, the Mayor was walking in the Square below…
00:49 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
9 'Bring me the two most precious things in the city,' said God to one of his angels…
01:03 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
10 "God rest ye merry gentlemen" [Ebenezer Scrooge]
04:40 Ronald Colman, Fred Mackaye, Eric Snowden, Victor Young, Ken Darby
Producer: George Wells - Artist: Ronald Colman - Artist: Fred Mackaye - Artist: Eric Snowden - Artist: Victor Young - Artist: Ken Darby
11 "Quickly I made myself ready for bed" [Marley's Ghost]
03:06 Ronald Colman, Lou Merrill, Victor Young, Ken Darby
Artist: Ronald Colman - Artist: Lou Merrill - Artist: Victor Young - Artist: Ken Darby - Producer: George Wells
12 "There at my bedside" [First Spirit]
03:01 Ronald Colman, Hans Conried, Duane Thompson, Victor Young, Ken Darby
Artist: Ronald Colman - Artist: Hans Conried - Artist: Duane Thompson - Artist: Victor Young - Artist: Ken Darby - Producer: George Wells
13 "Wake up, man!" [Second Spirit]
05:58 Ronald Colman, Cy Kendall, Eric Snowden, Heather Thatcher, Barbara Jean Wong, Victor Young, Ken Darby
Artist: Ronald Colman - Artist: Cy Kendall - Artist: Eric Snowden - Artist: Heather Thatcher - Artist: Barbara Jean Wong - Artist: Victor Young - Artist: Ken Darby - Producer: George Wells
14 "And looking up, I beheld" [Third Spirit]
06:05 Ronald Colman, Gale Gordon, Fred Mackaye, Ferdinand Munier, Eric Snowden, Stephen Muller, Victor Young, Ken Darby
Artist: Ronald Colman - Artist: Gale Gordon - Artist: Fred Mackaye - Artist: Ferdinand Munier - Artist: Eric Snowden - Artist: Stephen Muller - Artist: Victor Young - Artist: Ken Darby - Producer: George Wells
15 "I have the highest pleasure" [The Pickwickians set off to visit Mr. Wardle]
07:13 Charles Laughton
Artist: Charles Laughton
16 "But if they were cheerful and happy outside the house" [At the farm]
04:49 Charles Laughton
Artist: Charles Laughton
17 "We're all ready, I believe" [The dance]
05:16 Charles Laughton
Artist: Charles Laughton
18 The same winter sun that dances on the northern snow...
03:07 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
19 You see, Pablo, once upon a Christmas eve there was a small donkey…
02:55 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
20 Well, it was early afternoon when the small boy and his small donkey went through the town gates…
02:47 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
21 Well, the little boy and the little donkey left the marketplace, Pablo…
02:43 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
22 And so, Pablo, The Small One passed through the town gates…
01:37 Bing Crosby
Artist: Bing Crosby
23 Once upon a time of many, many years ago…
05:31 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
24 But at length and at last, he slowly approached the doorway…
03:12 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
25 And then in all those timeless days that followed…
01:14 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
26 The angels, dark angels, the seraphim, the cherubim…
02:25 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
27 A small, rough, unsightly box…
02:25 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
28 The littlest angel wept hot, bitter tears…
00:52 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
29 Then suddenly, the voice of God, like divine music, rose through Paradise..
02:27 Loretta Young
Artist: Loretta Young
30 This story is as old as Christmas…
02:13 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
31 Yes, Ay-You was without the gift of speech…
01:05 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
32 But the most stupendous and overwhelming thing of all, he'd be able to sing…
01:46 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
33 But morning after morning God disappointed him…
03:24 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
34 And then without the slightest warning of all came the dreadful day…
03:59 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
35 And so Ay-You tried to sing...
01:48 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
36 After a while he fell asleep…
01:59 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
37 Then Ay-You knew why he had been born never to speak until this moment…
02:56 Carmen Dragon
Artist: Carmen Dragon - Producer: Simon Rady - Narrator: Gregory Peck
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